4 Steps To Build Your Confidence and Self Esteem
4 Steps To Build Your Confidence and Self Esteem
If you want to boost your confidence.
If you want to improve your self esteem and enjoy feeling good about yourself
Then there are simple and effective steps that you can take to build your confidence and self esteem.

1 . Get some perspective on your past. You have to remember that life is a journey where great things happen and sometime less positive things happen too. The key is to learn from your life experiences and realise that everything that happens is in fact an opportunity to learn, grow and develop. That means that you can let go of the negative emotions from the past and with proven and effective techniques such as NLP and Time Line Therapy™ it is easy to go of the negative emotions from the past and then create a compelling future that you deserve.
2. Stop making generalisations. What do I mean by that? Low self esteem can be caused because the individual takes one experience and then filters all other experiences in the same way which perpetuates the problem. Here's an example, a bss in a previous job said that you could have completed the project in a better way, you respond by thinking and probably telling everyone, that you are not any good at your job. Or maybe you didn't have a particularly good morning at home with the kids, so you convince yourself that you are absolutely no good as a parent. Or maybe you have a minor disagreement with your spouse and then you tell yourself that you are hopeless at relationships and your marriage is probably over. Now stop and think about it, how often do you take one experience and then blow it up into a huge generalisation like this? The truth is, who you are and your self-worth is NOT based on isolated incidents. If something happens and it didn't go so well, think about how you can do it differently next time to create a better result, then let it go.
3. Change what you say to yourself. We all talk to ourselves inside our minds. In NLP we can it self-talk. It's a normal thing and everyone does it. Now because you do it that means that you can control what you say to yourself all you need to do is to tune into and pay attention to the messages that you are giving yourself. This of course takes practice but it means that every time you catch yourself saying something that is negative and disempowering to can stop it and replace it will something positive and resourceful. Here's an example of some positive self talk, " I deserve a happy and fulfilling life full of joy, love and laughter. I am surrounded by wonderful people who support me in my magnificence and I feel so excited about the future."
4. Forgiveness. Let's get this straight, everyone on the planet, at some point, has made a mistake or several! We've all done things that when we think about it retrospectively we think, wish I hadn't done that. You must learn the art of forgiving yourself. You must learn to look at those mistakes as an opportunity to learn something, to learn a different way, so that it if ever came up again in the future you would respond in a manner you felt was appropriate. Then you can drop it, let it go because that's the way to create positive self-esteem.
You can find out more about improving your confidence and self-esteem by attending the Self Confidence Code Training